By duda
December 27, 2023
Fortune- July 31, 2023 This article discusses the pros and cons of owning bank CDs in an IRA. In the article, David Schneider points out that “In order to get the best yields, you’re going to have to shop around and find the banks offering the most attractive rates at the time you’re funding the IRA,” and adds, “That could mean opening lots of small accounts at different institutions based on what was attractive at the time, which can be a nightmare to manage as the CDs mature.” He also mentions “If you compare a CD with a maturity of five years or less to a corporate bond of the same maturity, you’re usually going to get a better yield with a CD.” He also notes that “In general, by laddering and taking your maturing dollars and putting them in a longer-term CD, you’ll end up averaging the higher rates from longer-term CDs,” says Schneider. Read More: